downgeload v.— «My favorite new set of German words has to do with technology. Who knew that “e-mail” was an inseparable verb, evidenced by the past tense of the verb, “ge-emailed?” But be sure to separate the verb...
faxen v.— «And don’t forget the word “faxen,” if you want to be really up on the new phrasology. Repeat after me, “Ich faxe, du faxt, er/sie/es faxt!” Try saying that three times fast.» —“A Denglish...
n.— «Fujimorazo; in Peru.» —“Lateinamerikas Presidialsystem in Der Krise” by Von Peter Gaupp Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Zurich, Switzerland) July 1, 1993. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)