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Kissed Her on the Stairs

Do Americans use the same sign language as the British? And what do Japanese people use instead of umm? Plus, why do we vote at polling places? What goes into file 13? All this, a word quiz, commode vs. toilet, saditty and bougie, and cute stuff...

magic carpet duty

magic carpet duty  n.— «As the war ended, the Munda was used for what was known as, “Magic Carpet Duty,” picking up soldiers and taking them home.» —“Four WWII veterans recall experiences” by Keith...

hump strap

hump strap  n.— «I did strap myself in with my Fathers 3 ft. WWII canvas trunk belt. I needed to do that so I could use my pole pruner up in the top part of the tree. It also came in handy as a hump strap to haul the limbs to my bundling...