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A man who takes daily walks in the woods of upstate New York wants a word for the whooshing of the pines high above their heads. The hosts suggest the Latin-based word susurration, although they might also have suggested soughing. This is part of a...

acoustic ranching

acoustic ranching  n.— «Researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole hope to prove fish can be trained to associate certain sounds with feeding, by putting thousands of black sea bass in a dome-shaped structure at the...


Slocum  n.— «Sea gliders were conceived in the 1980s by Douglas Webb, a former researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Only in recent years, though, have they become fully operational and more capable. Some are called...


nails  n.pl.— «After learning the game on plastic cleats, most golfers stick with them as they turn pro. Often referred to as “nails” by players and suppliers, metal spikes are permitted throughout Europe and at a handful of...

nature deficit disorder

nature deficit disorder  n.— «The increased activism has been partly inspired by a best-selling book, “Last Child in the Woods,” and its author, Richard Louv. Coining the term “nature deficit disorder,” Louv has...