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buckhorning  n.— «Your tree might be making a last stand, but let’s give it a little hope for survival.…When late winter arrives, consider a much more severe pruning, often called buckhorning. Use this pruning technique to take all...


panelizing  n.— «Volunteers gave up an entire weekend last April for the “blitz build.” The frame of the house, which was built last winter inside a large warehouse, was moved to the site for this event. Volunteers then put the walls and...

pig night

pig night  n.— «One of its disgusted members told me of its annual practice called “pig night” when pledges were sent out to find “ugly townie girls” to be invited to a big Yale party—at midnight they were told, now illegally liquored up...


flake  n.— «The average backyard can provide sufficient pasture for a miniature horse. In winter, a flake of hay and a pint of grain a day will keep the little animal sleek, healthy and content.» —“Small horses a big part of...

Indian country

Indian country  n.— «As an embeded journalist in Afghanistan last winter, I traveled hundreds of miles with soldiers through what they refer to as “indian country”—hostile regions teeming with Taliban sympathizers in black...

colony collapse disorder

colony collapse disorder  n.— «That is why experts are concerned about an unexpected die-out of a large portion of the bee population this winter. According to the Ohio Department of Agriculture, beekeepers in 24 states—including Ohio—have...