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siloed  other.— «When is a company greater than the sum of its parts? When its once-siloed business units find a way to harvest innovations in the white space between them.» —“A Practical Guide to Social Networks” by Rob...

white space

white space  n.— «“Hamilton and ADL have provided extra competition, while Snergy has gone for niche markets,” he said. DEC’s green and white space policy meant that Rapid had to move into a different market area. “We were...

white space

white space  n.— «A group of 150 people were handpicked for what he and Alberthal call “their ability to think outside the box.”…They were broken into five “waves” of 30, focusing on different issues…a...

white space

white space  n.— «Just about everyone in the iSeries community agrees that the key to survival of the platform is growth in new business opportunities—the “white space” as the hardware vendors refer to it. Let’s hope that the...

white space

white space  n.— «White space—a high-growth or unserved market or outside-the-box business opportunity.» —“Increased pay gets devoured by inflation” by Diane Stafford Kansas City Star (Kan., Mo.) Nov. 23...

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