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stumper  n.— «First, what the loggers call a stumper uses its arm to chop down some trees. The first batch of trees, from the start line to the edge of the property line, are laid across the swamp. The stumper’s large, tank-like track...


pregorexia  n.— «The topic of celeb baby weight has even spurred a new phrase called “Pregorexia”—a condition where women get so obsessed with keeping their weight down during pregnancy that they go to extremes with diet and...


diworsification  n.—Gloss: Diversifying one’s investments too much. «Diworsification refers to the fact that you can diversify too much. For example, if you own one company’s stock you could potentially hit it big, but you could also...


flugtag  n.— «More than 30 human-powered aircraft designs will take part in Red Bull’s Flugtag competition on Aug. 3, behind the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau. It’s part air-show spectacle and part Jackass stunt. Flugtag is a...

iceberg disease

iceberg disease  n.— «Experts commonly refer to it as an “iceberg” disease. Visible at the tip are individuals whose symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss and, in children, delayed growth. The rest of the...