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next-war-itis  n.— «“By keeping Gates in there you have a guy who’s really pushing for, ‘Hey, let’s get off this next-war-itis crap,’” said Barnett, using the term Gates coined to describe the defense establishment’s obsession with a...

360-365 combat

360-365 combat  n.— «Soldiers call the war “360-365 Combat” meaning that not only infantry, but all soldiers, are constantly under combat conditions while deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. This produces enormous stress...


Cybergeddon  n.— «A new term “Cybergeddon” has been coined, relating to the potential loss of intellectual property, intelligence infrastructure and related industries dealing primarily in data exchange or storage. The target...


wovit  n.— «Godwin provided plenty of colorful examples of the gradual disintegration of the farming system in Zimbabwe as the war vets or “wovits,” as they are called, grab land from the rightful owners.» —“Journalist...

Language Headlines (minicast)

The world of politics tops this week’s language headlines, including an explanation of the Bradley effect, and the ongoing debate over bilingual education. Also, what does the word fubsy mean? Grant has the answer and reports about a new...

paper boarding

paper boarding  n.— «Under the current policy, after 48 months of service E-4s serving in military specialties with shortages are automatically placed on a promotions list. Although a soldier’s name can be removed by his or her commander...