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gaffer  n.— «For his part, Chihuly called Rubino a “gaffer,” a term for a glassblower who labors around a furnace at the instruction of an artist. Asked to assess Rubino, Chihuly said, “He was an excellent...


blink  n.— «I have met a number of blinks who work for various security and intelligence agencies for the Federal Government. These jobs, for a blink with the appropriate aptitude and education, represent some of the highest paying...

space grass

space grass  n.— «A field researcher has also donated a rare sample of what UFOlogists refer to as “space grass.” “The sample I have comes from a sighting that occurred in 1973 in Westmoreland County,” he said...


troquero  n.— «Unlike the common vision of a trucker, an old white man wearing a cowboy hat drinking a big gulp full of coffee, most truckers in LA are Latino, some are women, and most speak Spanish. They call themselves troqueros...


nanorover  n.— «Would the rover descend into the crater or just peer over the edge? Would it launch a much smaller tethered rover—a “nanorover” in the current Esa phraseology—or fire harpoons down into the dark ice...

wraparound service

wraparound service  adj.— «It coincided with changes in the child-welfare system, including the development of care-management organizations to work with children and more focus on what’s known as wraparound services. The idea is to supply...