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cellar rat

cellar rat  n.— «He will be at the winery for six months working as what is known as a cellar rat—someone who does odd jobs around the winery during the vintage.» —“Job winner as happy as a rat in a cellar” by Bernard...


Smallbany  n.— «Even in piddling mid-sized cities like the one I grew up in—Albany, N.Y., affectionately known by many as “smallbany”—there was at least one or two hip spots where a musically curious kid could get lost in...


 n.— «Mercer-Smith tore into the parking lot in a rusty yellow 1970s vintage LTD, a boatlike bomber of a car.» —by Jo Ann Shroyer Secret Mesa Oct. 10, 1997. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


scraper  n.— «Minutes later, a vintage Buick—or, as they call them in the Bay, a Scraper—pulls up and all four doors pop open.» —“Hyphy: Crunk, Northern-California Style” by Shaheem Reid MTVNews.com Nov. 8, 2004...


chamcha  n.— «No doubt, the British also had their sycophants—toadys, bachhas, jholichuks and hukkabardars—but chamchas of the modern vintage they had none. Chamchas are a breed apart. A chamcha, verily is more than a favourite. He is a...

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