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Ralph Kramden

Ralph Kramden  n.— «In truth this get-up was pretty much the unvarying male uniform last summer also, but this year an unexpected element has been added to the look, and that is a burgeoning potbelly one might term the Ralph Kramden...


spiritwear  n.— «Under the policy, which is formally called “spiritwear” rather than uniforms, students are required to wear khaki or navy blue pants or shorts, oxford, button down or polo shirts, and color restricted shoes, socks, belts...


digi-cammies  n.— «The miniseries even got right the mismatched Marine uniforms—the corps in 2003 was in the process of transitioning from the old desert camouflage uniform, which Marines shared with the rest of the military, to the new...

Pennsylvania tuxedo

Pennsylvania tuxedo  n.— «To deer hunters in Pennsylvania and beyond, it introduced the Classic Hunt Coat. Combined with matching snow pants—in open black-on-deep-cherry-red “Heritage Plaid”—it was the uniform of the day for those pursuing...


chalcogel  n.— «The discovery, reported in the latest issue of Science magazine, has proven to be the ideal cleaner for waters infested with heavy metals like cadmium, lead or mercury. Chalcogel is a rigid material that can be used to...

Smurf uniform

Smurf uniform  n.— «So officials ran a pilot test at boot camp. All recruits are currently issued blue cotton pants and white T-shirts emblazoned with a Navy emblem. It’s affectionately known as the “Smurf uniform.” In 2005, Carroll said:...