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Animal Hybrids Quiz

Greg Pliska, musical director for the Broadway show War Horse and our very own Quiz Guy, has a puzzle about Animal Hybrid Phrases combining two common expressions involving animals. For example, what do you get when stuffed animal stocks go down? A...

Clever Crossword Clues

Grant shares some diabolically clever crossword clues. Have at ’em: Hula hoop? (3 letters). A city in Czechoslovakia? (Four letters). Want to try more? Check out the clues at Clever Clue of the Month and The New York Times Cute Clues. This is...

tot lot

tot lot  n.— «Surfside’s Hawthorne Park, also known as “tot lot” playground, located on the corner of Hawthorne Avenue and 90th Street in the center of the town. The tot lot stands out as one of the few shaded playgrounds, and...


toad  n.— «“There’s a toad!” she exclaimed, referring not to a warty amphibian but to a defunct Toys “R” Us (Toad: Temporary, Obsolete, Abandoned or Derelict site).» —“Defining Sprawl: From A to Z” by...