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wireline  adj.— «These latter licenses, which are being snapped up by entrepreneurs, by cellular telephone franchisees, by cable television companies, and by the Bells themselves, will allow low-cost entry into the local telephone market...

surface computer

surface computer  n.— «The Microsoft Surface, as it will be known, is the product of five years of research and is the first iteration of what MS is coining “surface computers” that will rely upon touch as the sole method of...


bullgeschichte  n.— «“Bullgeschichte” is the methodological tool best exemplified by wikipediasts and dilettantes. The method entails taking a little bit of information, usually gained from a scant reading or scanning of a popular magazine...


hooker  n.— «Hook: An invaluable offensive tool in the fight game, but only a precious few are able to use it to devastating effect. Those who can and do, are often referred to as “hookers”, and not in the pejorative sense. De La Hoya is a...


proof-texting  n.— «It seemed that anyone could really make the Bible support just about whatever they wanted it to. They could control the text, using it as a tool to prove certain beliefs (a practice often referred to as “proof-texting”)...

200-mile-an-hour tape

200-mile-an-hour tape  n.— «We call it 200-mile-an-hour tape. You can fix a lot of things with duct tape.» —“‘My favorite Tool’” by Pam Adams Peoria Journal Star (Illinois) Jan. 28, 1995. (source: Double...