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tip drill

tip drill  n.— «My dumb as friend told ugly boy I like him I think I’m like hell the fuck naw, so I wrote ugly a letter telling his dumb ass why I’m looking at him and hes not cute to me. He took it to the heart, hey who could blame him, I...

tip drill

tip drill  n.— «I said it must be ya ass cause it ain’t ya face/I need a tip drill, I need a tip drill…It must be ya money, cause it ain’t ya face/You a tip drill, nigga you a tip drill.» —“E. I. [Tipdrill Remix]” by...

tip drill

tip drill  n.— «tip drill A girl or boy that is unattractive from the neck up but is good enough to have sexual intercourse with. Used by African Americans and appropriated by some whites.» —by Dr. Jo Koster’s WRIT 102 Class in...

tip drill

tip drill n. an unattractive person, male or female, esp. one who is used for sex or money. Etymological Note: There are two supposed etymologies circulating. Neither can be verified. One says tip drill refers to a practice routine by the same name...

tip drill

tip drill  n.— «“If you take offense, it’s like you’re saying you are a tip drill,” a street term for a woman in whom men only have a sexual interest.» —“The beat goes on” by Ytasha Womack Chicago...

Ja well no fine

Ja well no fine  other.— «The question was put directly to new secretary-general Cyril Ramaphosa this week and his inconclusive reply can best be described as a diplomatic “Ja, well, no fine.”» —“The ANC could take a tip...