merk v.— «I’ve spent the last month listening non-stop to both sides of the Trim Taliban white—Boogeyman, and the one over fire hydrant that’s just him methodically and comprehensively merking people.» —“The thread that’s totally and...
anti-powerfulism n.— «That movement formed originally around anti-globalization activism and was consolidated through the opposition to the Iraq war. Its common thread is a certain kind of anti-Americanism and perhaps more generally a...
hokey Dinah
other.— «Hokey Dinah, why didn’t I read this thread earlier? I’m in!» —“Re: Next GTA Get Together” (Can.) July 23, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
gap out v.— «As for his latest book, he mentions casually, “for better or worse I’ve done so little press on it so far that I don’t have any script prepared, so when I gap out, it’s a real gap out…” I hope this is...
n.— «Cuz she dont speak foblish and you do.» —“the SAMAR thread” by FariMaMa in Florida Islamica Community Forums Nov. 8, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
ridonkulous adj.— «I just finished a well-conceived brainstorm that concluded this thread is ridonkulous only if you continue to read.» —“Re: Smoking pot and watching dvd movies” by Mike Drain (mikloyd@hRoEmMeO...