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scramble  v.— «“It’s been a long week,” Delio said. “I played well. When my approach shots weren’t hit that well, I saved myself by scrambling. If I teed a green, I was pretty solid all week.” Scrambling in golf is a term...

spray and pray

spray and pray
 v. phr.— «Spray and pray from tee to green, and then pray, brother, pray.» —“Sport Podge” by Rex Hess Mansfield News-Journal (Ohio) June 2, 1942. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

grow teeth

grow teeth  v. phr.— «The 16th can change character daily. It can be relatively benign if there’s no wind blowing. But put a breeze in the golfer’s face and the 16th grows teeth. The lake and a big tree at the corner of the slight bend...


skull  v.— «Kelly Childs hit his tee shot out of bounds. Later, he hit into a trap and skulled his escape across the green. Two putts gave his a quadruple-bogey eight. “A disaster hole,” said the woman who once wore high-heeled...