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mop and glow

mop and glow  v. phr.— «I didnt take haz mat besides the required tech level…I have no interest being a mop and glow.» —“My other ride…” by Smokeatr Passat World Forums June 28, 2005. (source: Double...


dhimmi  n.— «Even the colorless—and clueless—dhimmi-in-chief also known as British Foreign Minister Jack Straw raced off to visit the family—to what purpose, who knows?» —“You Only Die Once” by Val McQueen Tech Central...


yettie  n.— «Yetties are the corporate version of yuppies—young entrepreneurial, tech-based, 20-somethings who’re usually followers of tech so advanced that they have no practical purpose.» —“Concise Desi Dix” by Nikhat...


chocolate-maker  n.— «The “chocolate-makers” summit (the term deliciously coined by US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher) he hosted left a very bitter transatlantic aftertaste. » —“Commission...


G-machine  n.— «With the ever-growing g-machine movement, building an open-road racing style car presents a fresh chance to build a car with a look all its own.» —“G-Whiz!” by Chris Endres GM High Tech...

thunder run

thunder run  n.— «One of the enduring images of the recent war in Iraq is a column of M-1A1 Abrams tanks barreling down the streets of Baghdad on a “thunder run,” deep into the city. » —“Tanks for the Memory” by...

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