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Emphasis of Defense

We have a Department of Defense, and football teams have a defense, and chances are you don’t pronounce those terms the same way. It likely has to do with sportscasters emphasizing of- and de- to differentiate the offensive and defensive sides...

Strange Mascot Names

Grant and Martha discuss strange names for high school sports teams. Know another example? Talk about it in the forum. This is part of a complete episode.


simming  n.—Gloss: From “simulating.” «It took a room full of networked computers called a “render farm” to do in about 14 months what would have taken a single machine 16 years: churn out digital scenes precisely modeled after...


flugtag  n.— «More than 30 human-powered aircraft designs will take part in Red Bull’s Flugtag competition on Aug. 3, behind the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau. It’s part air-show spectacle and part Jackass stunt. Flugtag is a...


head-topper  n.— «Players measuring 6-foot or taller roam the halls of at least five SWI schools, the head-topper being Council Bluffs Lewis Central.» —“SWI Volleyball Teams Blessed With Tall Talent” by John Fey Omaha...

pooch punt

pooch punt  n.— «Hayes is instructed to “pooch punt” inside the 20, setting up ill-field position for the opponent.» —“Special Teams Make a Splash For Redskins” by Gary Pomerantz Washinton Post Oct. 7...