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Language and Lingo Specific to Utah

The dialect heard in the state of Utah includes lexical items such as the hotdish casserole called funeral potatoes, as well as the mayo-ketchup condiment called fry sauce, and a particular type of scone, also called fry bread. Utah is also known...

Episode 1457

Boss of Me

If you want to be a better writer, try skipping today’s bestsellers, and read one from the 1930’s instead. Or read something besides fiction in order to find your own metaphors and perspective. Plus, just because a city’s name...

Sugar Off

To sugar off means to complete the process of boiling down the syrup when making maple sugar. Some Vermonters use that same verb more generally to refer to how something turns out, as in the phrase, “How did that sugar off?” This is part...


Boil up some pig neck bones, add some liver sausage and buckwheat, mold it in a loaf, then slice, fry, and serve with syrup. Some folks call that scrapple, but a Milwaukee woman’s family calls it pannas. This is part of a complete episode.


belly-gut  n.— «Moshey and belly-guts were also holiday treats. Moshey was both a term used to describe unpulled taffy as well as “clear toys”—candy made by boiling sugar in syrup.» —“Belsnickels & belly-guts: Holiday...

clear toys

clear toys— «Moshey and belly-guts were also holiday treats. Moshey was both a term used to describe unpulled taffy as well as “clear toys”—candy made by boiling sugar in syrup.» —“Belsnickels & belly-guts:...

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