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popcorn storm

popcorn storm  n.— «The storm was just a popcorn storm (pops up then leaves) so i go back to my field.» —“Stuck in a rut…“ by Beth Miller in Minnesota The life of an ole July 16, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued...

popcorn storm

popcorn storm  n.— «We had a popcorn storm yesterday that forced us out of the pool. I wanted to stay in but the kids thought that thunder and lightening wasn’t a good thing.» —“Michael Jackson Case—Member Managed: Re:...

popcorn storm

popcorn storm n. a brief, unexpected rain shower or thunderstorm. Also, collectively and more formally, popcorn convection. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

popcorn convection

popcorn convection  n.— «Popcorn Convection. Slang for showers and thunderstorms that form on a scattered basis with little or no apparent organization, usually during the afternoon in response to diurnal heating. Individual thunderstorms...

popcorn storm

popcorn storm  n.— «I’ve seen enough “popcorn” storms to appreciate how difficult forecasting really is. These are storms that pop up, and then half an hour later they’re gone.» —“Lightning-quick network keeps tabs...

lean forward

lean forward  v. phr.— «In the parlance of hurricane preparedness, Chertoff made clear in the letter that the federal government is “leaning forward” to assist Louisiana this hurricane season, something it was accused of...