brown hole n.— «That’s because Pueblo sits at the center of a geographic phenomenon that the locals refer to as a “banana belt” and weather service forecasters call the “brown hole.” “We call it the brown...
thundersnow n.— «The storm did come with a novelty act as residents were treated to a rare meteorological phenomenon called thundersnow, which is caused from the upward motion of a cold front when temperatures are near freezing. And that...
Pineapple Express n.— «The Pineapple Express, a colloquialism for the remnants of a pacific storm that rolls inland, struck the entire province with its warm, wet weather. And, although we didn’t get record rainfall, temperatures were at...
shopocalypse n.— «Revenue sharing for contributed content, however—ka-ching! Easy promotion of such content throughout the Internet, providing lots of quality backlinks and traffic to Yahoo—ka-ching! Could this be the shopocalypse...
Katrina time n.— «Defense attorneys and judges have warned for months that a constitutional crisis looms on two fronts in Louisiana: prisoners denied their right to an attorney, and prisoners denied their right to a speedy trial...
fireline cord n.— «Martie Schramm, a spokesman for the firefighting effort, said the explosive teams lay what’s called a fireline cord along areas where a 1999 storm left piles of dead wood. The cord blasts the wood into tiny shards and...