In Cantabrigian tradition, a wooden spoon was jokingly awarded to low achievers in mathematics. That practice later extended to other types of competitions. It’s also key to a heartwarming story about a charitable organization that arose from...
In English, we might say that someone born to a life of luxury was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. In Swedish, though, the image is different. Someone similarly spoiled is said to “slide in on a shrimp sandwich.” For more...
A recent study found that some names crop up more frequently than others in certain professions. The name William is especially common among attorneys–and graphic designers include a higher-than-average number of Jessicas. Plus, picturesque...
spoon n.— «Police have their hands full on the Gold Coast, not only with violent youths, domestic violence and drug dealers, but with the mentally ill. They have their own patois, referring to deranged people as “spoons’ because...
pant load n.— «No wonder these “newbies” can be a pant load. The media has spoon fed them frosted covered cheerios when the real world is shredded wheat.» —“Newbie hackers have it rougher” by...
dump cake n.— «A chocolate “dump” cake promises joy in an hour. Also known as a one-bowl cake, the procedure lets you plop all the ingredients into one mixing bowl, give them an unceremonious twirl and scrape the batter into...