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spizzerinktum  n.— «“What is a spizzerinktum? I have just been called that and I want to know.”…”A spizzerinktum is a person who possesses initiative, vim, vigor, efficiency, intelligent persistency and an overmastering...


spizerinktum  n.— «“On to Washington” will be the next keynote of the program next Thursday with old reliable Kiwanian Frank Key furnishing the “spizerinktum.”» —“Kiwanis Club” by Jack Wright, Frank...

spizzer inktum

spizzer inktum  n.— «La Spizzer Inktum will entertain their husbands at dinner Friday evening at 6:30 at the home of Mr. and Mr.s G. I. Smith, 2701 O street.» —“Social Calendar” Lincoln Sunday Star (Neb.) Feb. 7...


 n.— «Although a live wire, the dengue took much of the spizerinktum out of his being for the time being only, we know.» —Mexia Evening News (Texas) Oct. 13, 1922. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


spizerinctum n. energy, vigor, or vitality. Also spizerinktum, spizzerinktum, spizzerinctum, spizarinctum, pizzeringtum, spizzer inktum, etc. Editorial Note: The ladies club mentioned in the cites seems to have taken its name from the term, which...


spizerinctum  n.— «“I think the country is entitled to know he is young, vigorous, and full of spizerinctum.” [Sen. Alexander Wiley (R) Wis.] said spizerinctum was a word coined by an old banker in his town of Chippewa Falls, Wis...