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Whistling Dixie

Today’s most popular dog names are Max and Bella. In the Middle Ages, though, dogs would answer to names like Amiable. Or Nosewise. Or even … Clench. ? Is the term redneck derogatory? Some folks proudly claim that name. They say...


spizzerinctum  n.— «The mayor had a vistion,/In his slumbers he was troubled,/Dreamed he saw a huge petition/Signed by more than 80,000/Of the people of they city,/Praying for a referendum./…It was signed by Cephas Wojjers,/ Calthumpian...


spizzerinktum  n.— «Letting down the bars, he stuck his thumb into the lean ribs of the donkey and when that resentful creature reared and kicked, chuckled with a boundless joy. “You’re [sic] spizzerinktum hasn’t all...


spizzerinctum  n.— «For the explosive substance in the bomb hydrogen, he substituted knowledge, and for uranium, the fuse, spizzerinctum. This he defined as “energy ambition and the will to succeed.”» —“Publishers Told...


 n.— «She was a member of the…Spizzerinctum club.» —“Mrs. J. J. Hamley Dies Sunday in Pendleton” Walla Walla Bulletin (Wash.) Mar. 12, 1946. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


spizzerinctum  n.— «Scientists have concocted a new drug out of rocket fuel, which they claim will give a man renewed energy, like turpentine does a cat.…I’m looking forward to national distribution of this new spizzerinctum builder...

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