mud suite n.— «“They can be the jewelry of the space,” says the designer, who often includes a message center in what she likes to call the “mud suite.” This area can contain anything from a drawer for keys, to shelving...
Boom! It's another newsletter from "A Way with Words." Get an earful of our conversation from this past week's show: pandiculation, doorknobbing, cotton-picking, enormity, on the QT, and more: Martha's got a foodie treat...
low kill shelter n.— «The shelter is what is known as a “low kill” shelter, meaning animals will not be euthanized because of lack of space or because they have been in the shelter for a long time. “I would love to say we’re a...
narrowbanding n.— «The number of users and uses has exploded four and five times, therefore you need the appropriate amount of bandwidth to carry the information,” said Stephen White, chief of Doylestown Township police...
see-through building n.— «In Houston, where the oil bust of the mid-1980s led to see-through buildings devoid of tenants, brokers are wary of space proliferating in the “energy corridor,” running along Interstate 10 from...
Svensmark cloud n.— «As NASA has corroborated, the number of cosmic rays passing through our atmosphere is at the maximum level since measurements have been taken, and show no signs of diminishing. The result: the seeding of what some...