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Chicken Bog

Chicken bog isn’t a bird name, nor is it a place. It’s a dish of rice, chicken, country sausage, and lots of black pepper, found primarily in the Southeast. It sometimes goes by the name chicken perlow or pillow or pilau. A South...

Impromptu Gifts

In certain parts of the South, a small, impromptu gift is variously known by the sibilant synonyms sirsee, surcy, searcy, or circe. A South Carolina woman who’s heard the word all her life is baffled as to where it came from. This is part of a...

firehouse primary

firehouse primary  n.— «The presidential primary in South Carolina is known as a “firehouse primary,” as it is being held in conjunction with the party’s precinct meetings at which local party officers are elected and delegates...


jorts  n.pl.— «I’d be fine if I can be assured that what’s being mocked are unsightly variations of jean shorts (I refuse to be drawn in by the taunting and refer to them as “jorts.”).» —“I don’t mind being the butt of a...


donker  n.— «The brown shiny seeds, called buckeyes, are considered to be lucky charms. Avid Gardener member Ann Clayton, who is from Manchester, England, tells me that buckeyes are called “donkers” there. Fastened to a string...

take to the diaper

take to the diaper  v. phr.— «They used to call it “taking to the diaper,” a phrase that referred to the preparation undertaken by a prudent senator before an extended filibuster. The late South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond holds the...

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