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Puddle and Hang Paper

This week’s Slang This! contestant finds out whether the word puddle is a slang term for part of a car’s muffler and if the expression hang paper involves flying kites. This is part of a complete episode.

Play the Slang Quiz on the Air

We’re on the hunt for contestants for our “Slang This!” quiz. We’ll find out on the air what you know about a couple of juicy slang terms. If you want to play, all you need to do is send us your full name, location, a daytime...

wolf ticket

wolf ticket  n.— «Ah, but my favorite phrase that the boys enlightened me on was wolf ticket or wolfin’ Huh? Yeah, I had no clue, either. It means someone’s lying. Why wolf ticket? It’s a play off the story of the boy who cried wolf. The...