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ebrandgelist  n.— «I’ve now become an eBRANDgelist for a network that’s looking to enlist more through its original programing—but I’ll actually be there for the commercials. A shout-out to AMC for their clever, brand-building, pod-busting...

PowerPoint Ranger

PowerPoint Ranger  n.—Gloss: a derogatory term for a military bureaucrat or policy wonk. «As anyone who has ever worked in or near it can attest, the DoD is run by what I like to call Powerpoint Rangers: guys like Thomas Barnett, who latch...


hotline  v.— «Senate conservatives are upset that the leaders of both parties in the chamber have in recent years increasingly used a practice known as “hotlining” bills—previously used to quickly move noncontroversial bills or simple...


blessingway  n.— «After the arrival of the new baby, the mother’s friends and family can activate this postpartum meal tree. It is simple to ask people to sign up at the blessingway or baby shower, before the actual birth.» —by Robin...


pecha-kucha  n.— «Let us now bullet-point our praise for Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein, two Tokyo-based architects who have turned PowerPoint, that fixture of cubicle life, into both art form and competitive sport. Their innovation, dubbed...


tuple  n.— «A tuple is neither an exotic fungus nor an adults-only entertainment. Defined with misleading simplicity as “a series of typed values,” the tuple can be to distributed computing what a base pair is to a molecule of DNA: Tuples...

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