“He’s sharp as the corner of a round table.” “She’s so sad she’s pulling a face as long as a fiddle.” If startling similes leaving you “grinning like a basket full of possum heads,” you’ll...
sharp n.— «Knowing whether a line move is due to sharp or public action is important. A sharp is a term used to describe those who make a living off of sports betting. They wager large sums of money at numerous books, in hopes of gaining...
liar’s affidavit n.— «It also creates a presumptive value for sales taxes on used cars based on the “blue book” sale price. (This is a tax change often known as “Liar’s Affidavit” around the Capitol.)» —“Perry, Sharp unveil revised...
cacklefest n.— «In early 2000, an idea came to the surface, of push-starting as many cars as possible at CHRR in rapid-fire fashion, just like the old days. Museum Curator Greg Sharp said something like, ‘it’ll be a regular...
endo n.— «Going over the bars is known as an “endo” in bike jargon, and is one of cycling’s more hazardous maneuvers.» —“Turning Sharp Corners Can Be a Balancing Act ” by Ray Hosler San Francisco...