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snowroller  n.— Note: Also as two words: “snow roller.” «Several days ago, several hundred rather large snowballs appeared on Lake Eyak over night. The next day I received phone calls and e-mails from curious Cordovans asking...


electro-wetting  n.— «In other application fields, so-called liquid lenses have been known for some time. In these, the application of electrical voltages causes a shape change of the liquid lens and therefore a change in its focal length...


downhill  adj.— «You’ll often see good trotters whose hindquarters are higher than their withers as viewed from the side. This horse is referred to as being built downhill. For a trotter, going downhill doesn’t mean he’s no longer the...


polocrosse  n.— «Some of those who play the game jokingly refer to it as “poor man’s polo,” but polocrosse is much more than that. It’s a game that allows 5- to 10-year olds to compete against 65- to 75-year olds with nobody...