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slack fill

slack fill  n.— «An investigation revealed that Mucinex’s packaging violated state law concerning “slack fill,” a term used to describe fake walls, fake bottoms or excessive amounts of non-functional space.» —“Settlement...

walkaway settlement

walkaway settlement  n.— «The original fen-phen suit was filed in Boone County, Ky., Circuit Court and settled when American Home Products, which manufactured and sold the drug combination, put up $200 million in what is called a...

shut up and color

shut up and color  v. phr.— «At Squadron Officer’s Scholl they kept emphasizing the helplessnes of the Vietnamese and how we could bomb them at will. When I asked why, if that was true, we negotiated a settlement that basically had us as...

black box settlement

black box settlement  n.— «“This is what industry calls a ‘black box’ settlement,” said Jim Greenwood, director of the Office of Consumer Counsel, which participated in the settlement. “What it means is that although the...

hammer clause

hammer clause  n.— «Many insurance policies have what is known as a “hammer” clause, meaning that the insurer can force the insured to accept a settlement of the claim, unless the insured is willing to forego coverage or accept...

dump truck

dump truck  n.— «Once they realize you’re not resisting their demand to go to trial and their demand that they pay you some attention…then they will drop their resistance to a plea bargain based specifically on you as the dump truck...