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bascottie  n.— «A basset hound had been bred with a Scottie to make a “bascottie,” pronounced like biscotti, the hard biscuit usually dunked in coffee.» —“24 animals are removed from Lodi home; officers say conditions...

magic carpet duty

magic carpet duty  n.— «As the war ended, the Munda was used for what was known as, “Magic Carpet Duty,” picking up soldiers and taking them home.» —“Four WWII veterans recall experiences” by Keith...


buckhorning  n.— «Your tree might be making a last stand, but let’s give it a little hope for survival.…When late winter arrives, consider a much more severe pruning, often called buckhorning. Use this pruning technique to take all...


trunking  n.— «Michael Vick was downright humane to his dogs compared to how street dogs are treated. There is a type of fight called “trunking,” in which the dogs are tossed in car trunks, ripping into each other while the...

Catholic school effect

Catholic school effect  n.— «If it makes sense you learn democracy by being randomly thrown together with a classroom of strangers, what could explain why chosen schools do better at it? It could be that parents are more involved, says...


saltie  n.— «The problem is oceangoing vessels, commonly called salties. But salties account for less than 7% of the cargo moved on the Great Lakes and Seaway, according to the Corps of Engineers.» —“Lock the lakes, groups...