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Phonemarking (minicast)

Oh, yes, it’s time for another podcast, this one featuring a slang quiz on the word “phonemarking.” Transcript of “Phonemarking (minicast)” Welcome to the summer edition of Slang This, the language quiz from A Way with...

Letters and Canadian Doubles (minicast)

In our latest online-only episode, Martha’s been putting together a collection of your favorite collective nouns and Grant joins her to swat around a caller’s question about what to call a game of tennis when you have only three players...

A Game of Tennis with Three Players?

Aloha! We have another A Way with Words podcast goofy-footing among the grommets. Martha's been putting together a collection of your favorite collective nouns and Grant joins her to swat around a caller’s question about what to call a...


Hola, estimados oyentes! It's time for another podcast from "A Way with Words." Earlier this summer a word caught Grant's fancy: "gardentoolism." So he made a slang quiz about it! Listen to the podcast here. If you...

windshield cowboy

windshield cowboy  n.— «These weekend ranchers are also called “windshield cowboys” because they use sack feed instead of graze and have trained their cattle to come at the sound of an auto horn.» —“Cowboys—the real...

high touch

high touch  adj.— «“If we go high tech, we’re also going to go high touch,” he said, referring to what he said would be an increased contact between pupil and teacher.» —“Alexandria Proposes Elementary Magnet School in...