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bank  v.— «This occurred after Eddington had told the plaintiff to “bank” the package which had been left for him in the prison toilets. In prison parlance, “bank” meant to insert the package up his rectum...

sausage boom

sausage boom  n.— «Containment booms, which prevent oil from floating free on the surface, and sausage booms, which are stuffed with absorbent material to soak oil from the water, are being used around the ship, and near shore.» —“Oil...

sausage boom

sausage boom  n.— «Noticed very little sheen on the water. Pads, sausage booms and oil dry placed as a precaution, but no visible spill remains in the water. Wharfingers are monitoring the situation.» —“Hazardous Materials Spill...

sausage boom

sausage boom  n.— «The absorbent pads and a double sausage boom skim what fuel oil contamination finds its way to the surface.» —“Cleanup OK may be near” by Bradford L. Miner Worcester Telegram &...

sausage boom

sausage boom n. a barrier made of floating, linked cylinders used to contain oil spills in water. Editorial Note: NOAA has a good photo of a sausage boom. Etymological Note: From the similarity to sausage links. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

sausage boom

sausage boom  n.— «Workers placing additional sausage boom in creek, on west side of tracks.» —“AR Photo Gallery: Canyon Derailment” Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Spill Prevention and...