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katastroika  n.— «The threats in the region from AIDS and other epidemics are potentially dire. Prophecies are always hazardous, but in the former Soviet Bloc, the outlook for the next few decades is perhaps best characterized by a Russian...


haltura n. secondary work about which one is not serious or to which one is not fully committed; hackwork, moonlighting, freelancing. Also attrib. Editorial Note: In Hebrew, חלטורה. In Russian...


haltura  n.— «It is considered that their main task is to earn extra money and never—to offer a good artistic idea, good show. There is a very good word in Russian which is impossible to translate into English—”HALTURA.”—It...


haltura  n.— «This last depicts a theater troupe’s desperate attempts to take a draft of a new play and, with only 20 minutes preparation, present it to the government censor for approval. As it happens, this drama about a revolution on a...


haltura  n.— «“Haltura” is a word which has been used frequently by the Russian actor during Bolshevism and signifies an extra job on the outside of his own theatre. The “haltura” apparitions are staged without any...


plyometrics  n.— «Plyometrics found its way into the American vernacular in the late 80s when it was discovered that it was the secret to the Russian’s success in the Olympics.» —“How I spent my summer vacation” by Brady...