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infill  n.— «Infill is the buzz word these days for preserving rural landscapes and commuter sanity by filling in urban holes.» —“Filling in the blanks” by Jane Roberts Commercial Appal (Memphis, Tenn.) Jan...


hog-dogging  n.— «Now I have, second hand, a story on people who sic dogs on captured wild hogs, chasing them around a pasture and biting them into submission. This is no joke. Hog dogging rodeos are for real and they’re happening...


urbral  adj.— «Are you an urbralite? The term “urbral” many not have reached the nation’s dictionaries yet but it could be taking off soon. Western Mail Country & Farming columnist Mark Hinge coined the phrase to mean...


urbralite  n.— «Are you an urbralite? The term “urbral” many not have reached the nation’s dictionaries yet but it could be taking off soon. Western Mail Country & Farming columnist Mark Hinge coined the phrase to mean...


jugaad  n.— «If one drives out of Delhi in any direction one is likely to encounter these hybrid vehicles within an hour. Known as “Jugaads,” which means roughly to provide or arrange, they have become a mainstay of rural...


HNWI  n.— «With that equity base and his own maverick image, Hawkins began lending to develop the Equiticorp finance company—just as he had done with CBA Finance. However, instead of rural loans Hawkins chased HNWI’s—high-net-worth...