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Rumtopf n. a dessert of fruit, rum, and sugar. Etymological Note: Ger. ‘rum pot.’ (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


Rumtopf  n.— «A fine way to preserve summer fruits is the century-old method called pot pourri or rumtopf or fruit crock. It’s an assortment of fruits mellowed in liquor and sugar in a stone crock for several months to “ripen...


Rumtopf  n.— «The Rumtopf (fruit melange…) and Quiche…are easily made, but the lovely meringue and cranberry cream Vacherin…takes a little more loving care.» —“Holiday Menu” by Lillian Mackesy Post...


Rumtopf  n.— «If it’s late spring, it’s time to start a Rumtopf, the German word for rum pot. You store it for fall or winter use.» —“Yum! Rum and berries create a syrupy treat come winter” by Marlene Parrish The Plain...