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devil day

devil day  n.— «Thursdays and Fridays are when F-1 inmates order and receive their week’s supply of snacks from the canteen. These are the tensest days, Les Farrar has learned in his seven months in the cage. Inmates call them devil days...


sherb  n.— «“You wanna put your sherbs on?” Farrar asked, using the slang for the inmates’ orange-colored canvas shoes and the slang phrase for walking up to the park to fight.» —“Hard Time: Inside Richmond’s Jail” by...

leather and feather epic

leather and feather epic  n.— «According to Montgomery, the joke in the native community is that every movie that comes out about Native Americans features roles that are, well, rather predictable. In other words, they might as well be...

downhill guy

downhill guy  n.— «In addition to Hightower, the Spiders can pound with 235-pound Josh Vaughan. But it’s Hightower who Clawson refers to as “our downhill guy.” On a 24-play Richmond drive vs. Northeastern that started late in...

hit and run kit

hit and run kit  n.— «Within the survival pack is a “hit and run” kit that includes only the bare necessities such as a signaling device, food and medical needs—enough supplies to last a couple of days.» —“Pilots’ training...

ad grat

ad grat  n.— «Ad grat, or auto grat, as it’s know in the biz, is a restaurant standard that means gratuity is automatically added to a check. Generally the gratuity is 18 percent, it’s added on the pre-taxed total for large parties...