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Google Books Corpus

Grant is pleased as punch about BYU Professor Mark Davies’ new Google Books Corpus, which contains entries for every word ever in the entire Google Books database. In addition to parts of speech and definitions, the site provides contextual...

Favorite First Lines

Some novels grab you from the get-go. “I am an invisible man.” “Call me Ishmael.” “The cold passed reluctantly from the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting.” Martha...


Mottness  n.— «Understanding the detailed mechanism for how quantum traffic jams (technically referred to as “Mottness” after the late Sir Neville Mott of Cambridge, UK) impact superconductivity in cuprates may point scientists...

fox hole

fox hole  n.— «Fox Hole: area beneath desk where telephone calls can take place peacefully.» —“Revealed: how to chat up a senior clerk” by Nina Goswami TheLawyer.com July 13, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued...


 n.— «Driller: loud ringing phone.» —“Revealed: how to chat up a senior clerk” by Nina Goswami TheLawyer.com July 13, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)