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What Does “Snaggletooth” Mean?

Max from La Jolla, California, named his beloved rescue dog Snaggletooth. A snaggletooth is “a broken tooth” or “a tooth projects beyond the mouth.” It’s from the same linguistic root as snag, originally “a tree...

Proof in the Pudding

Have you ever offered to foster a dog or cat, but wound up adopting instead? There’s an alliterative term for that. And when you’re on the job, do niceties like “Yes, ma’am” and “No, sir” make you sound too...

Foster Flunk

When people who foster rescue animals break down and adopt the animal instead, you’ve happily committed a “foster flunk.” This is part of a complete episode.

shake and bake

shake and bake  n.— «Some people lay down on the floor to get below the smoke. Others began shaking open their emergency rescue shelters. Made of a reflective material, the tents are a last resort. Some firefighters ghoulishly refer to...


windowing  n.— «If you want to watch new episodes of “Rescue Me,” which airs on News Corp.‘s FX, you’ve got to be patient, then act fast. New episodes don’t show up on Hulu until eight days after they premiere on the cable channel, but...

poopy suit

poopy suit  n.— «The pilots were required to wear anti-exposure suits because they were crossing the icy Atlantic in January. The airtight, form-fitting, waterproof over-garments’, are affectionately called “poopy suits,” are a...