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24-spot  n.— «Ms. Beyar, 51, of Rockville Centre, L.I., accused Mosier of denying her request for a “24-spot” work schedule consisting of one day on and three days off. Mosier also rejected her as a chauffeur by selecting a...


doorknob  v.— «The request usually comes after Belkin is about to walk out of the examining room. Doctors have a name for this: Doorknobbing. Metcalf said patients often “doorknob” when they’re afraid to reveal the purpose of...


dormcest  n.— «Most dorms these days are coed, or segregated by floor (sometimes halves of floors) at worst.…People settle into a reasonably mature boundary-respect inside the first week or two. Floorcest and dormcest do happen, but...


turnback  n.— «State Highway 40 between County Road 47 and U.S. Highway 12 would become a city street, if the state approves a request by the Willmar City Council. The council Monday night voted to ask the Minnesota Department of...

difong kong

difong kong  n.— «First National Bank Botswana has now decided to fund the buying of second hand cars from Japan and Singapore. A few months ago, it was taboo to expect any bank to even listen to a request for finance to buy these...

baby dip

baby dip  n.— «The department declined Embassy’s request to speak with the newcomers, affectionately known in Ottawa as the “baby dips.” Still, officials offered some interesting stats about the novice diplomats: the average...