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South End of a Chicken

Are your nightstand books all over the place? Why not stack ’em into a bookmash? A bookmash is a kind of found poetry formed from book titles! And we all know that honesty is the best policy. But does that mean you should correct the grammar of your...

Steam piston x - Make A Train Take A Dirt Road

Make A Train Take A Dirt Road

Remember the classic films Dogumentary and $3000? Those were their working titles, before they became Best In Show and Pretty Woman. We look at how movie titles evolve and change. Also, is Spanglish a real language? And balaclavas, teaching your...


What is an earwig? Those skinny brown insects with pinchers coming out their backsides have a reputation in folklore for crawling through people’s ears and laying eggs in their skull. But really, earwigs are just simple insects that take their...

make a sheikh program

make a sheikh program  n.— «The Sahwa have also endeared themselves to the Sunni community by lobbying for the release of Iraqis held in American detention camps. They have succeeded in securing the release of more than a thousand...


beaglemation  n.— «Small towns mean people who probably know you in some form, and my dog, Lucy, what I call a “beaglemation” (part beagle, part Dalmatian) has a smallish reputation.» —“Surprises on our back-road...

snowshoe spamming

snowshoe spamming  adj.— «Like a snowshoe spreads the load of a traveler across a wide area of snow, some spammers use many frequently-changing IP addresses and domains to spread out the spam load in order to dilute recipient reputation...