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scrim  n.— «“Scrims” were a new word to me. They are shallow areas of gently flowing water (the water comes out from one side and drains at the opposite side). These are only about 1/8-inch deep, shallower than the sole of a shoe. Besides...


tumpsy  n.— «Most men have seen Paris Hilton’s bare tumpsy more often than they’ve seen their own reflection.» —“Paris Hilton Sues The Millionth Website To Show Her Naked” by Stuart Heritage Hecklerspray Jan. 30...

shop window test

shop window test  n.— «The car has to pass what GM executives refer to as the “shop window test.” That is, an owner must be so enamored of the Astra’s lines that he can’t help but sneak a look at its reflection in a plate-glass...


fakenger  n.— «For centuries people have done some pretty silly things in the name of fashion, and right now in portland there is a prevalant bikie / “fakenger” fashion. the fact of the matter is that most people around here who choose not...


nurdle  n.— «“Upon reflection, belly button lint can be pretty darn sexy. (depending, of course, on the belly button).”…“Not if it’s flecked with dead mites and sweat nurdles.”…A “nurdle”…is a tiny...


graffer  n.— «There’s been an explosion of graffiti in the downtown district in New Haven this summer. To the trained eye, it’s not just an part of the urban landscape. Police say, it is often a reflection of what’s going on in the streets...