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wash-out effect

wash-out effect  n.— «In the early 1970s, manufacturers introduced sirens with different patterns and frequencies, to address a growing problem: Officers in different police cars using the same frequency often could not hear each other...


mojo  n.— «The Florida newspaper employs a fleet of so-called mobile journalists, or “mojos” as they have become known.…“The mojos have high-tech tools—ThinkPads, digital audio recorders, digital still and video...


deckle  n.— «Most corned beefs are made from brisket, an ungainly cut of meat from the steer’s breast that runs anywhere from 8 to 13 pounds. Each brisket consists of two muscles: one, the so-called first cut, is flat, lean and of even...

party barge

party barge  v.— «Every time kids “party barge,” as they call it, every time they load up their cars with other teens, especially with a new driver, it is just a recipe for disaster.» —“New laws hoped to make state...


fantouche  adj.— «We’ll watch some Mitch and later, I’ll try out my sister-in-law’s fantouche recipe on you.» —“Re: R: News from Locarno?” by journeytox@aol.com (Kim) Usenet: alt.tv.x-files Aug. 10, 2000. (source:...


Rumtopf  n.— «A fine way to preserve summer fruits is the century-old method called pot pourri or rumtopf or fruit crock. It’s an assortment of fruits mellowed in liquor and sugar in a stone crock for several months to “ripen...