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Language Headlines (minicast)

Grant has the latest headlines from the world of language, including the debate over the name of the home of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Is Beijing pronounced bay-JING or bay-ZHING? Also, a recent court decision concerning an offense that’s...


A reader of Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential thinks the book is snarky—but what does snarky really mean? This is part of a complete episode.

dirty kitchen

dirty kitchen  n.— «Dirty kitchen (cont.): Actually, that’s the term for a secondary kitchen, often used by Filipinos. As one reader explained to me: “We Filipinos have a small cooking area outside the house where we fry our fish...

The Train is Servicing The Station

Yo, listeners! There’s another online-only podcast from “A Way with Words.” This time, Grant answers questions about the word “agio” from a fellow in Kamloops–learn more about that name, too–and he responds...


tokophobia  n.— «Women, obstetricians suggest, are afraid of labor. Block reports that there’s even a new word for it: tokophobia, the fear of giving birth.» —“The Obstetric-Industrial Complex” by Noah...

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