suckers’ rally n.— «They raise the hopes of investors. They occur out of nowhere. They can be money-making opportunities. But they tend to be fleeting. These are the stock rallies that occur when the economic outlook is bleak, news...
put a building to sleep v. phr.— «Most of the savings come from smarter use of the district’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems controlled by a new $2 million proprietary system called Automated Logic, said Larry Wilson...
raise n.— «Stephen Green, a former Corporal who served in the British army for 9 years and was also a UN peacekeeper, was battered to death by 4 yobs doing a “raise.” A raise is common street slang for a robbery with the...
strangelet n.— «But Wagner and Sancho’s court papers raise theoretical scenarios in which the LHC could create particles that gobble up the Earth, such as “killer strangelets.” Strangelets are hypothetical blobs of matter...
How-do, neighbor! It’s another issue of the A Way with Words newsletter. This past weekend's show was a brand-new treat, stuffed full of chewy language goodness. We talked about "the vapors," whether...
waterbed effect n.— «The larger chains can extract more favourable conditions from suppliers than other types of retailer can. They are able to do this because of their market shares and integrated supply chains. The result of these...