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nimbleton  n.— «So let’s raise a glass to big funds with a toast of sincere best wishes for their success . . . of course, I’ll be explicit about my ulterior motive: keeping the small fund space the preserve of the nimbletons. If big...


roll-on  n.— «I also know that many white brothers who raise issues with Msholozi’s polygamous ways are not necessarily opposed to the notion of having two or three wives. In fact, many of them have their “roll-ons” (township argot for...


wall-cross  v.— «Wells Fargo wanted to be among one of the first banks to get to the market before fund managers and investors became overwhelmed by the supply of stock. Being first also carried the risk that the offering could be too big...

thump snow

thump snow  n.— «In the areas that will get clobbered by all snow with the lead dog, it is really going to be what we affectionately refer to as a “thump” snow. In other words, the vertical motion associated with the surface...


mudjacking  n.— «The repairs to Sprigg Street have included removing fill material put in place to raise the roadbed following the Great Flood of 1993, material that had deteriorated badly, Gramling said. “It was just kind of a mud...