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king  v.— «Not to mention that you got busted by the cops in every single solitary town that you attempted to king.» —“Re: WEHT That So-called Celebrity Quality-Of-Life Offender?” by ghghhg55@aol.com (Georgiana...

get brain

get brain  v.— «I’ve found that on some high school shit, it was much easier to fuck than to get brain….I’m telling you, I’ve had broads…give me quality, 4 mic brain surgery.» —“Re: How Come?” by Kayal...

French hours

French hours  n.— «During Phone Booth, no lunch breaks were taken because all of the staff agreed not to take lunch breaks (food was simply available for crew to grab and eat when they could) versus normal movies where there a very...


jugaad  n.— «Daniel Chopra, who learned his golf in India, “seems to have plenty of the typical Indian quality of jugaad.”…A reporter who had peeked translated it as “finding alternative ways of doing improbable...

hamster care

hamster care  n.— «One might wonder why it is necessary to pay a bounty to get a doctor to call you back. The answer is that under the watchful eye of managed care and insurance companies, the quality of care has gotten so awful that...


plyometrics  n.— «Coaches are taught how to make the most out of an athlete through the development of speed, correct weight lifting techniques, nutrition, and plyometrics, a bounding technique to increase speed and power, he said...