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mica  n.— «When an MPR reporter approached the men, one offers a one-word question—”mica?” which is Spanish slang for an ID that might include a drivers license, a permanent residency card or a Social Security number...


twerk  v.— «An aside: there’s been a certain amount of discussion between staff and students at my daughters high school about the appropriateness of what’s called “twerking” a.k.a. “grinding” at school dances. (The...

out-of-building experience

out-of-building experience  n.— «NPR member stations will want you to come to visit, talk to their journalists and meet with their listeners. Do it. The stations will also ask you to go on local call-in programs. This is very important and...


purple  adj.— «I’m quite surprised sometimes when I come to America and I find the interservice rivalry still surprises me in many ways. It doesn’t happen here because we are so much smaller as far as armed forces go than the Americans...

flash film

flash film  n.— «It’s a nearly precise replication of that game, even down to the exploding police car.…Also, the soundtrack of these two flash films, as they’re called, that Weise prepared to basically let people know what he was...