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The New A Way with Words

Hey, all, it’s Martha and Grant, hosts of the public radio show A Way with Words. We have sooper sekrit plans! Find out more about what’s happening with the radio show by joining the AWWW email list. It’s an announcement list, so...

tea sommelier

tea sommelier  n.— «We’ve had writers, someone from public radio in Sweden, and once a tea sommelier came and brewed tea for everyone.» —“Arising Number Of “Coworking” Spaces Bring Freelancers And Other Solo Workers...


hypermile  v.— «Now, the movement might take a lesson from an obscure but growing hobby—something called “hypermiling.” Count Kevin Moot, of Bloomington, among its aficionados. “There are people who are speed freaks, and...

knock and drag

knock and drag  v. phr.— «OVERBY: Williams invoked a get out the vote slogan favored by the local Congressman Albert Wynn: knock and drag. WILLIAMS: How we knock on the door and how we drag our members to the polls. So it’s...


spork  n.— «The buffalo in question is the fourth vehicle in the patrol, towering over the armored trucks. Rather than an animal, it looks more like a medieval siege engine, with its row of small, thick-lensed windows and an iron-clawed...


buffalo  n.— «“So if it’s an artillery shell we can see that,” McPhail says, “and then you send your buffalo up there which has this big claw, and it sort of just claws at it and makes sure it is what we think it is.” The...