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mailbox money

mailbox money  n.— «The recurring revenue SCR earns as a result of switching its clients to Mercury is what Milligan refers to as “mailbox money.” That is, once a client is switched over, SCR receives a monthly residual check...

halo effect

halo effect  n.— «Children in non-fluoridated communities consume sodas and beverages bottled in fluoridated localities using fluoridated water. This is known in fluoridation debate circles as “the halo effect.” Grapes and grape products...


skimming  n.— «The last step in processing is the separation of data into different streams based on the event types apparent in each collision. This process, called skimming, was performed at the computing centers—SLAC, GridKa in Germany...


baghouse  n.— «Environmental protection laws have codes limiting water flows and particulate and smoke emissions from oil refineries and asphalt processing plants, and not only dust but sulfur dioxides, smoke and other emissions are...

laser visa

laser visa  n.— «The U.S. Embassy in Mexico announced a fee increase for nonimmigrant visas. The fee will be raised by $31, to $131, because of “advances in security, information processing systems and inflation,” embassy officials said...


gumologist  n.— «Cadbury, which has a gumologist (with a Ph.D. in mineral processing and engineering) on staff, is not interested in the tasters’ personal preferences.…The highlight of the morning was the tasting of several...